Thursday, July 5, 2007

Moxie, Best practice and the Greek cell-hack

IEEE's Spectrum has a very good article in this month's edition that is worth taking the time to read. The article discusses the 2004-2005 hacking of Vodaphone. During the intrusion, the attackers were able to intercept the cellular phone calls of a number of people in Greece. People like the Greek Prime Minister (how do you say "ouch" in Greek?) and senior government officials .

From the article (emphasis mine):

[W]e can only speculate about various approaches that the intruders may have followed to carry out their attack. That's because key material has been lost or was never collected. For instance, in July 2005, while the investigation was taking place, Vodafone upgraded two of the three servers used for accessing the exchange management system. This upgrade wiped out the access logs and, contrary to company policy, no backups were retained. Some time later a six‑month retention period for visitor sign-in books lapsed, and Vodafone destroyed the books corresponding to the period where the rogue software was modified. . .

[D]ue to a paucity of storage space in the exchange's management systems, the logs were retained for only five days, because Vodafone considers billing data, which competes for the same space, a lot more important. Most crucially, Vodafone's deactivation of the rogue software on 7 March 2005 almost certainly alerted the conspirators, giving them a chance to switch off the shadow phones. As a result investigators missed the opportunity of triangulating the location of the shadow phones and catching the perpetrators in the act.

The all to frequent reaction of system administrators and managers to pull the plug on intruders.

Now I'll grant you that I am drastically oversimplifying the matter - I'm sure that having your government's head of state, Naval general staff and others played a significant role in the decision, but this response is not containment - it's often a knee jerk reaction to perceived liability. If a hacker has been in your system for a month, a week, or a year, is watching him for a day or two so you can determine the extentent of the penetration a bad idea? If you were investigating this incident, would you rather have a couple of days where the hackers were inside your system where you could track (and possibly identify them) or would you rather just close the door before you had figured out how they got in in the first place?

It is like being asked to choose between gathering volatile data while a system is still running and yanking the cord out of the wall - I'd choose the former every time. In an intrusion case, I'd argue that not gathering volatile data is tantamount to malpractice; and if presented with the opportunity to determine the full extent of an intrusion, you ought to take the opportunity, or you risk the same argument being applied to your actions.

Best practice in intrusions is to contain the intrusion so that the attacker is isolated, but allowed to continue to access the systems that he's accessing. If there are data that you can not allow out (classified or personally identifying information come to mind), part of the containment strategy should be to come up with either bogus data or a reason why the data can no longer be reached (i.e. "The server crashed, but we're working on it."). There are going to be cases where this will not be realistic, but it should be the starting point for any intrusion investigation. You will learn a lot more, a lot faster this way. This more moxie than just cutting the attacker off, but in the long run it is better for the investigation and ultimately for the victim to know all that there is to know about the intrusion by observing a "live patient" than would ever be discovered through an autopsy of a dead one.

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